Drill bits (steel, Timber, porcelain and ceramic tile), Hole saws, jig saw blades, reciprocating saw blades and diamond blades, Steel cutting, grinding and timber saw blades
Drill bits (steel, Timber, porcelain and ceramic tile), Hole saws, jig saw blades, reciprocating saw blades and diamond blades, Steel cutting, grinding and timber saw blades
Wood working, Mechanics, Drill press, Table vices, G, F, C, Sash, gluing, Spring and One handed clamps.
Torpedo, Line, Bulls Eye, 2way, Post and 400mm to2.1meter levels. Measuring tapes in 3,5,8 and 10meter.Folding and steel rules. F/Glass Reels 30,50,100meter and Distance Measuring wheels.
We have everything you need to get it done!